Saturday, May 29, 2010


Sorry this has been a while coming, but you know, life comes at you fast, especially where gravity is involved. Dar fell, (Most of you know this). She was crack filling the ceiling, and fell off an 8' ladder. Broke her left humerous, (she assures me this is NOT funny). She also demolished her elbow. Layed in emergency's hallway for 24 hours, fasting and awaiting surgery. Got a five hour surgery, a rod down the broken bone, a new elbow, rerouted nerves, and a heck of a lot of pain. As of today, (saturday night), she is recovering in the hosp.
A big thanks to all our friends at Five Points. People have painted, cleaned, sent cards, flowers and prayers. Dar will come home to a finished living room/great room. People have watched,(and fed, no small feat with connor) the kids, and have lightend my load, allowing me to take care of Dar. God is good to have put us here.

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