Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fiddlehead fever

We decided to try an early run looking for fiddleheads, this year, Mother's day weekend is always difficult. So, Sat being fine and all of us having the day free, we loaded up the canoe and headed to Pakindale.
There was low water, and we scraped up the hull of the canoe quite a bit, but, bonanza, we found a couple of really good sites for fiddleheads. The kids and I love these, Dar not so much. She likes picking them though. I was surprised at having a strong bow paddler again, who could steer the canoe too. I'm used to having an engine up there, and I do all the steering. Dar was seeing rocks, prying or drawing, and we were by them before I knew of them - What a pleasure!
We enjoyed lunch on the river, saw a school of what were I presume sea trout, and startled a pair of bald Eagles.
Hah! Connor is over there cleaning fiddleheads now, He wants to sell em, he can do the grunt work.


  1. I hope you got some good pictures while out on the water. If I ever come visit I expect time in the canoe.

  2. Hmm, time in the canoe huh? I just might put you in the bow with your nephew. He's turning into quite a good paddler. It's hard getting pics while paddling, but I put a few on this site, and some more will follow. Man cleaning fiddleheads is a pain!
