Thursday, May 20, 2010

Online life

Well, we're sure settling in well to online life. Facebook and e-mail are checked regularly, and I've even had occassion to chat with Dave twice this month. I feel connected. On another note, Connor and I have been fishing some lately, (yes, dad, I got a license). But have been frustrated trying to get the trout to take bait.
So, Online I go, and I found a neato rig for fly fishing with a casting setup. We were gonna try it tonight, but Dar drove off in my car and throds are in the trunk. Basically, you weight a bobber, and have a 2-3' leader beyond that to attach the fly to. Cast it out and let it drift downstream into position.

1 comment:

  1. We did go ahead and book the trip, so look for us on about June 9th. Sounds like you have been pretty busy, what with running, fishing, wondering where the car is, etc.

    We still have a lot of planning to do but at least the flight is booked. That is always step one.
