Thursday, October 8, 2009


Well, rain or not, the river has to wait for a few days, Chickens, and concerts, and Baptisms all take precedence. We'll be processing our meat kings Friday, I have to attend a Newsboy concert tonight in St. John with 6 of our youth, and Megan and Brandon are being Baptised this Sunday. Work, work work. But it's all good.
A word about our Baptisms, we get the Fire Dept. to come and set up their Tanker dump tank, fill it with water, and we do the Baptisms in the parking lot at the convergence of 5 roads. Traffic slows down, and people are wondering what these Baptist are doing now - it's great.
We had a great visit from Mom and Dad last weekend - just wish it could've been this weekend so they could be here for Megan's wet moment.

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