Friday, July 16, 2010

on vacation

So, we're officially on break now. The Dunns just left today, we did Kings landing, despicible me, and Magic Mountain. A full three days. Now, we're preparing to head to NS. Gathering geocaches, packing, and realizing that Megan didn't tell me she needs chicken food - Argh!
The geocaches should be fun. We usually pick up a few on the way down to break up the trip, and moew in Yarmouth and Bridgewater. Dave placed the travel bug we sent off with him in vancouver, and that went well. Bloocanoe, (our travel bug), is still in Portugal.
I still hope to get a few days for Connor and I to hike the Dobson. We're both pretty stoked for it.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if there is some sort of web app that can plot the path of a travel bug as it moves. I'll have to look into this more I think...
