Tuesday, March 16, 2010

getting nagged by Dad

Well, I hope Dad had a great birthday, pizza and singing last I heard. I never thought I'd see the day when my Dad would be nagging me about updating my blog more. Sigh, well, these parents do grow up after all.
All is well, (and warm) in NB. I had a full weekend with a funeral where they played "They're coming to take me away" as the recessional, and several church people hospitalized. We had a delightful St Paddy's day tea after church (the church folk use it as an excuse to throw me a birthday party. It was really nice.
So, this week is regular with the addition of a pastor's prayer retreat I am hosting on Friday night. I am looking forward to an e-book reader for my birthday, one we found a costco. It takes sd cards, and is lcd not e-ink. (I like this.)
Well Dad, here it is, I'll try to be better at this, but the river did break open this week, so I'm off to see what's new there.

1 comment:

  1. ...and now you are getting nagged by big brother. My computer blew up, I got a new one and STILL I manage to make updates for you to enjoy
