Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fun, Food, and work

Well, we had our annual open house on Sunday. About 35 people showed up which was great! Dar was really pleased. Almost all the cheesecake and gingerbread trifle were gone, (boo for me).
It's really cold here today, like -30 wind chill cold. The dog is impressed he's allowed in.
Talked to Scott C today, hope to have him up to visit sometime this winter.
Connor played his tuba in the school band presentation of "Merry Christmas Charlie Brown", and did an excellent job. Grade 5 and he's playing in the high school brass ensemble. (no, I'm not just a proud dad, I'm a proud Dad with a reason to be proud)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your new blog. Spouse and I were in your area some years ago. Beautiful country as i recall. I also remember the huge market at St Johns. Hope to see some pictures.
