Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The fun of three wheels

So, I recently bought a Yamaha 200e shaft drive three wheeled ATC. What a blast. Connor and I have been running the trails a couple times a week for the past 3 weeks! We have a system of trails right behind the house that we can travel straight through almost all of Albert county without driving on the roads. Hillsborough - no problem, Prosser Brook, we're there.
Growing up in the 70's and 80's we all wanted a three wheeled ATC. Honda's "big red" was the one we all drooled over. I think there was a kid in Parkindale subdivision who had one. They simply could go anywhere. Well, this one we got may be yellow, not red, but in a world of 4 wheels, 3 is a blast.


  1. New rule: you MUST include photos if you are going to post about anything cool like yellow ATVs. Agreed? Good. I am glad we have that settled.

    Now where are the pics?

  2. They're coming, I had a flat after my first night run, and the new tire is currently in my back seat awaiting installation.
    The Kids love it, and want their own.
