Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work I go...

We had a great visit with Dave and Holly, it was excellent that they got to see Connor's recognition night at school. Dar is doing good, and Megan passed her swimming lessons. All is calm, all is bright. Now, it's just off to work tomorrow, (Churc and SS, extre preaching at Steeves settlement, evening service).
I'm going to have to find some time for hiking or paddling soon.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Kehoes are coming

So, the whole family is on pins and needles anticipating Uncle Dave and Aunt Holly's visit. Connor and Megan are talking about showing them around, and paddleing, and shooting, and hiking, and and and...
Connor's and my Cold steel knives arrived, Connor is suitably impressed. Dar is doing great on her recovery, there is still pain, but she's got good strength and mobility.
Megan was at Girl Guide camp this weekend. She got to tent in the rain. Seemed to go over OK though.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

getting back on track

With Dar home now, we're slowly getting back on track. I got some out in the community work done yesterday, and will get some more today. Dar is doing good, homw seems to be more conducive to rest for her. The kids are back on track with swimming and band etc. I'm wiped but anticipate Friday afternoon, or Saturday afternoon as holding some "me" time.
Connor and I are eagerly watching the mail box, awaiting the arrival of our Cold Steel Bushman Bowies. We've both wanted a big chopper for our web gear like what Ron Hood has.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dar is home!

Yay!, Dar is home, and will continue to recover here. Pray for her that each day is a little better than the one before. Thanks to all the people who have gone above and beyond. (You know who you are.)